Pathways Personal Assistance


Pathways is a new community-based service for older persons or those with a disability, where the main focus will be working with the client to identify their goals in order to maintain a good quality lifestyle in the community, while tailoring sessions according to his/her particular needs.

Pathways works with the concept of Personal Assistance, where the client is encouraged and supported to be the employer, thus designing the job description of the service provider according to his/her wishes.  This function is delegated to legal guardians in cases of persons with severe intellectual disability, however client involvement continues to be our primary aim, in whatever way it suited to each individual’s needs.  The Personal Assistant’s role may also be split between more than one professional in order to ensure that we are offering the client the best skill-mix to suit his/her needs.

What kind of services are we able to offer?

The exact nature of our sessions will be determined during the onboarding meeting, however the following are some of the examples we can help out with:

  1. Assistance with activities of daily living – bathing, dressing, toileting, preparing meals and eating
  2. Assistance with leisure activities – making friends, joining groups and attending pre-planned events
  3. Support towards independent living – practical sessions in living independently such as budgeting, using public transport, shopping, planning and preparing light meals etc
  4. Assistance with emotional regulation and social integration
  5. Educational support for children with behaviours of concern particularly those on the spectrum
  6. Cognitive stimulation, fine and gross motor skills therapeutic intervention for persons with dementia

Onboarding Process

  1. Once the client approaches us with a request to access Pathways, we ask him/her to fill in a basic form to identify needs. On the basis of these details, we will set a meeting with the client and build a job description for his/her Personal Assistant, followed by a meeting with a number of potential candidates with suitable skills/ experience/ credentials from our pool of employees who the client will interview/ interact with prior to the service commencing. We are able to assist during the interviewing process if the client wishes.
  2. Once the PA is selected, a first meeting to prepare a schedule is set and the service can then commence.
  3. In certain situations, we will recommend a blend of different professionals whose different skill sets will address the client’s multiple needs. This will ensure that the client gets the best service available in the most cost-effective way possible.

Villa Anna Teresa tailor-makes services to the client’s needs and takes great care to ensure a suitable client-personal assistant match. To do this an assessment is carried out where we get to know the client and their needs, wishes and preferences better.

To access our Pathways programme please get in touch with us via email, call us on 27123456/7 or fill in form to book an assessment.